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Ready for stress-free benefits that accelerates non-dues?

Non-dues revenue is becoming much more important to associations and chambers.  

We can help you identify the programs that will provide you with sustainable non-dues revenue.

How the program works

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Select your Programs

You know your members better than anyone, so you determine which benefits work for your members and build your program around these specific solutions.


We are available to support you with needed resources, so your program is always getting better.

Determine our partnership level

We have several ways to partner.


You can select one of our robust program solutions like business insurance, employee benefits, or shipping or opt for a deeper portfolio of benefits that will save your staff up to 80% of the man-hours of internal self-managed benefits.


Both options include our obsession to deliver results and ensure that both YOU and your members receive a bankable ROI.

Drive deeper member participation

Boosting non-dues revenue is just the start. But an important element because adding us to your team drives 8-10 times the participation of self-managed group purchasing or affinity programs.
We believe in helping you create deeper member relationships while also providing a documented ROI of your membership dues investment for each member that participates in one of your benefit programs.

Free up your staff

Our support makes the promotion and marketing of your benefits easy.  Your communication team will no longer be stuck creating the marketing or using provider marketing that isn't a great fit. Most of our team has an association or chamber background, so we excel at member centric marketing.

Using our technology and retention campaigns will also save staff time and give you control over communicating an ROI focused member retention nurture program designed to keep members.

It’s difficult to create and maintain member benefits on your own. 

We make it easy.

You take care of members. We take care of you.

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© Member Benefit 2019

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